The New Girl Preamble
Listen, I love pretty much everything that is stereotypically nerdy. Star Trek? You know it. Comic books? Undeniably. D&D? Sign me up. I can’t get enough of that stuff. But you know what else I’m nerdy about? New Girl.
Does that hurt my nerd-cred? Maybe. But I also don’t care. I unashamedly love New Girl. It’s one of the great half-an-hour comedies to come out in the last decade and I don’t think it has the following it deserves. In a world where we binge other greats like The Office and Parks and Rec, I can’t stop watching New Girl.
So what is a nerd to do about it? I know! How about I create a tournament of every single episode of New Girl to determine which is the best? How does that sound? Ridiculous probably. But that is what I am doing.
The Not-So-Definitive New Girl Episode Tournament Rules
There are 146 episodes of New Girl over its 7 season run. Unfortunately, 146 isn’t a great number for a tournament bracket. That means I have instituted a wild card round for 36 of the episodes to bring the total down to a traditional 128 seed bracket. This includes 4 divisions of 32 episodes each.
Seeding, including the wild card round, is completely random. While I thought about doing some initial seeding based on my favorites or various themes, that seemed to defeat the entire purpose of a bracket. Thus, all episode seeds are 100% random and might create some tough early round match-ups.
Each round will be single elimination until we have a champion. Judging of each round will be done by me, a random guy on the internet, so obviously it’s just my opinion. We’re doing this for fun folks.
This page will act as tournament HQ and be updated as we move through the bracket. There will be links to each round and any other items worth noting.
So, I guess that is it. Do you want to do this thing?
The Not-So-Definitive New Girl Episode Tournament
New Girl Episode Brackets: Division 1, Division 2, Division 3, Division 4
Wild Card Round (Divisions 1 and 2)
Wild Card Round (Divisions 3 and 4)
Updated Brackets: Division 1, Division 2, Division 3, Division 4
Updated Brackets: Division 1, Division 2, Division 3, Division 4
Round of 16 (Division 1 and 2)
Round of 16 (Division 3 and 4)
Updated Brackets: Division 1, Division 2, Division 3, Division 4
Updated Brackets: Division 1, Division 2, Division 3, Division 4
Updated Brackets: All Divisions
Updated Brackets: All Divisions
Final Brackets: Division 1, Division 2, Division 3, Division 4, Finals
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