My wife and I love board games. We can’t get enough of them. But one problem is finding other folks to play games. Many of the best games out there simply aren’t as fun with two people.
Thankfully, we are living in a gaming renaissance. Never before have there been so many board games for couples. From games that work well with minimal players to games specifically designed for two people, you’ve never had so many options.
Below is a list of what I consider to be the 7 best board games for couples. These are games that play best with two people and work great for date night. Whether you are a hardcore gamer or looking for a casual encounter, there is something here for everyone.
[As a quick side note: If you do happen to have, you know, friends, check out my recent article on the 7 Best Party Board Games.]
The 7 Best Board Games For Couples
Hive – Amazon
Hive is one of the best games made for two players and especially for couples looking for a quiet night in. Hive is like chess, if chess had bugs and no board. Players take turns playing bugs and moving strategically around the hive attempting to circle your opponent’s Queen Bee.
Hive is a thinking game with a playing time that won’t give you a headache. Strategic and fun. Definitely one of the best board games for couples.
Playing Time: 30 minutes
7 Wonders Duel – Amazon
7 Wonders Duel is the two player adaptation of the popular game 7 Wonders. In 7 Wonders Duel, players play through three ages and race to complete one of three civilization objectives. At its core, it is a deck building/card drafting game, but using different card structures each age. This adds a layer of spatial strategy that is exceptionally fun.
7 Wonders Duel is one of the best board games for couples because of its deep strategy but relatively short playing time. Plus, I’m always a sucker for civilization building games and 7 Wonders Duel nails it.
Playing Time: 30 minutes
Patchwork – Amazon
Patchwork is a great game for couples who love quilting but want to be competitive about it. In Patchwork, players compete to create the most beautiful (most valuable) quilt. They do this using various tokens, buttons, and patches.
If you like spatial reasoning, Patchwork is a great game. It’s like a game of Tetris except with a cut-throat economy. Definitely one of the best board games for couples and winner of many awards.
Playing Time: 15-30 minutes
…And Then We Held Hands – Amazon
Not in the mood to compete? …And Then We Held Hands is the perfect game for couples who want to work together to complete a variety of emotional goals. Players must strategically move their nodes without ever using verbal communication.
…And Then We Held Hands is one of the best board games for couples because its a game about empathy and finding balance. Along with learning to work together, the game is full of beautiful images and surprisingly simple rules. Light a candle and enjoy.
Playing Time: 30-45 minutes
Agricola – Amazon
Agricola might be a bit of a surprise appearing on this list, but its a great game for any hardcore gaming couples. If you haven’t heard of it, it is essentially Catan on crack. But Agricola has become a classic farming game in its own right and is well regarded for a reason. It has multiple layers of complexity and depth with great replay-ability.
With hundreds of various cards and wooden pieces, this game is not for the feint of heart. But if you are a couple that loves delving into the deep end of strategy games, you won’t regret trying Agricola.
Playing Time: 120 minutes
Jaipur – Amazon
Jaipur is a fast-paced card game of trading and economics. Perfect for two players, you compete to earn enough wealth and gain the Maharajah’s seal of excellence.
Jaipur is a simple enough game that you can pick it up quickly. But as the saying goes, there is enough depth that it takes a long time to master. Considering the pace of the game, there is plenty of strategy and fun. Perfect for couples looking for a quick game and those who love Indian culture.
Playing Time: 30 minutes
Carcassonne – Amazon
Carcassonne has quickly become a modern classic and is easily one of the best board games for couples. Players take turns placing tiles that construct a medieval French city. As the game continues and Carcassonne grows, players must make strategic choices using their meeples to score the most points.
Carcassonne is a wonderful game for two players. For those who like constructing empires with limitless combinations, this game is for you.
Playing Time: 30-45 minutes
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