A brief look around the web at my favorite articles from the past month.
Running Backs Are Finally Getting Paid What They’re Worth via 538 – A look at salary trends by position in the NFL, specifically running backs. In general, an interesting look at the devaluing of the modern running game.
Jim Gaffigan says his wife’s brain tumor almost made him retire from stand-up via A.V. Club – An in-depth interview with Jim Gaffigan and how he dealt with his wife’s recent brain tumor. A must read for Jim Gaffigan fans.
Why Sunday Night’s Episode of The Leftovers Was Inspired by Matt Zoller Seitz via Vulture – How Vulture writer Matt Zoller Seitz inspired Damon Lindelof.
Daryl Bem Proved ESP Is Real via Slate – Daryl Bem proved ESP is real. Uh oh, he broke science.
What’s it like to be one of the “regular people” in those Chevy commercials? via A.V. Club – We’ve all seen the Chevy commercials. Read a first hand account of the top secret filming.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the Definitive Preview via Vanity Fair – Have you guys heard of this Star Wars thing? The first big preview of the next installment.
The Real Reasons for Marvel Comics’ Woes via The Atlantic – An excellent breakdown of what is really causing Marvel Comic’s problems. Spoiler alert: it isn’t diversity.